Logo with PoC-inclusive LGBTQIA+ Pride rainbow bridging two clouds. The words "Iggy's Initiative" are aligned one above the other in red below, with trans pride colours extending out to the right from the final 's' of "Iggy's"

I never want to hear anybody told they should “act more normal” or “try to fit in”

Ausome Charlie

Weird Pride Day

Weird Pride poem for #WeirdPrideDay by Charlie Hart (Ausome Charlie) I’ll be weird if I want to, As peculiar as I like. If you think I should fit in, Well, you can take a hike! Weird can be wonderful, Subversion is such fun. So, take your dull conformity, And hoy it in the sun! As…

What is ‘neuroqueering’

By Ausome Charlie The term ‘neuroqueer,’ coined by Dr Nick Walker in 2008, works on different levels. You can read more about it in her book ‘Neuroqueer Heresies’, or here on her website: ttps://neuroqueer.com/neuroqueer-an-introduction/ As Dr Nick Walker explains, ‘I originally conceived of neuroqueer as a verb: neuroqueering as the practice of queering (subverting, defying,…

Double Rainbow Pride Day

‘Double Rainbow’ Pride Day? What’s that all about? By Charlie Hart AKA Ausome Charlie I recently listed the calendar events for Ausome Charlie and AIM For The Rainbow with all the acceptance weeks, awareness days etc that have anything to do with Autism, Neurodivergence and/or LGBTQIA+ and I noticed there is nothing for both. I…

Trans Awareness Week 2023

By Charlie Hart AKA Ausome Charlie This week is Trans Awareness Week 2023 and today is World Kindness Day. I am asking you to be kind to the trans and non-binary community by finding out more for yourself. We can all educate ourselves, and then help make this world a more accepting and safer place…

World Suicide Prevention Day 2023

Trigger warning: suicide Short video about how suicides are very often bolts from the blue, and not predicted by surviving close family and friends. This point was my take-home from a local Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide support group. Now, I’m not saying that suicide prevention measures are totally futile; I am saying they need…


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If You Need Help

We’ve compiled a list of some organisations in the United Kingdom you can turn to for support if your home isn’t safe for you, or if you need support or advice.


We’re asking for submissions that have some connection with the Double Rainbow—with neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ lives and experiences.